Game Post-Upload for jam

Spent too long not working on the game, but also spent too long working on collision and dialogue systems so the player could actually function, and not long enough on actual game content. Maybe shouldn't be proud but none the less I am proud of releasing a game that is all my own art. Didn't go AS terribly as I expected though this will serve as an example to why I work better on the backend.

Game mostly works, is just too short and the end functionality is pretty hard coded which makes me feel gross, but there's not much else to say about it. The only visible 'issue' I would say is that npcs still show their "E" sign above their head even when their conversations have been exhausted, but without a total refactor of that system, I don't really see how it's possible to fix that. I've already refactored everything that's nice about three times, so I'm not looking to refactor the bad part to make one change this late in the game. 

The code for this exists on my github, if you're interested in that. Not really anything game breaking, just spent too much time rewriting. Written with Phaser 3 and straight js/html. Phaser's alright, but I think it's not coming for the other game engines anytime soon.

I'm actually pretty happy with some of the systems within the code. The ones I ended up continuously refactoring because I refused to plan ahead work pretty well now that they're abstracted and built they way they are. Not sure whether they're the way Phaser expects games to be made, but it's okay. Only real issue is the dialogue system, and how I ingest game information. Would probably be better to change to a more yarnish system, or at least redesign it from the ground up.

Could continue to use the systems somewhere else if I wanted to work on a longer form version of this, but I feel like at this point other game engines might serve it better. The real nice thing I like about Phaser 3 is that I can upload html files automatically to Itch and it just works. For more static games like Packremental, I think this makes sense, but It might be better to just commit to a more standard system like Unity and sort out their html5 upload system. I think I may continue to use Phaser for more simple or protoypeish projects though.

Files Play in browser
Version 0.71 Jun 12, 2020 Play in browser
Version 0.3 Jun 11, 2020 Play in browser
Version 0.3 Jun 11, 2020

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